Welcome to Dura-Tech

Protecting Chicagoland Organizations From Cybercrime and Ransomware Together

As previously announced, Dura-Tech has joined with LeadingIt! Starting in 2023 the Dura-Tech branding will be phased out as we unite under the LeadingIT name, including forwarding this website to GoLeadingit.com. Everything you have come to know and love as a client and partner of Dura-Tech remains in tact, with more resources than ever to provide you with the Best Cybersecurity and Fastest Response Times you will find in all of Chicagoland (and soon beyond)!

Existing Clients


Use the same phone number and email address you're used to! Any updates to this process will be directly communicated to you.

How my Staff spied on me

Every office has a level of camaraderie to it. I think it’s important that our staff is comfortable with each other and we can have fun while also maintaining our professional and productive environment. Having the skilled engineers we do, sometimes their technical knowledge mixes into the camaraderie for some exceptional moments.

For a short period of time it seemed like every time I came back to the office from a meeting, our team would greet me with a sheepish grin and say ‘Welcome back”! After a few days I had to ask, what’s the secret that I’m missing out on? As it turns out, while we were working on a large camera project with some exciting new software, our engineers had turned me into their experiment. Utilizing this software and camera setup, they had created an automated alert email to themselves letting them know when my license plate was read pulling into the parking lot!

After the big reveal, we all had a good laugh. Their experiment even paid off as this project went on to produce fantastic results for our client, and was even Nationally recognized by Security Today Magazine for our exceptional solution design. You can read about this project on our website! Check out the Article!


Todd Creek