Welcome to Dura-Tech

Protecting Chicagoland Organizations From Cybercrime and Ransomware Together

As previously announced, Dura-Tech has joined with LeadingIt! Starting in 2023 the Dura-Tech branding will be phased out as we unite under the LeadingIT name, including forwarding this website to GoLeadingit.com. Everything you have come to know and love as a client and partner of Dura-Tech remains in tact, with more resources than ever to provide you with the Best Cybersecurity and Fastest Response Times you will find in all of Chicagoland (and soon beyond)!

Existing Clients


Use the same phone number and email address you're used to! Any updates to this process will be directly communicated to you.

Freezing my butt off!

The hardest part about dealing with the snow is driving in it! A few weeks ago, when the inches of snow turned into feet, I was worried about getting to the office, so I had to improvise. I pulled the snow gear out of the closet and started up the snow mobile and made the ride over to the office in time before I lost feeling in all my fingers!

My nature is to adapt to a situation. I am focused on finding the solution instead of sitting around worrying about the problem. This mindset has been beneficial to smoothly running Dura-Tech over the years, always adapting to changes in the business climate and helping my clients do the same! Winter is almost over – let’s get back to work!

Todd Creek